Here’s a fun outing every resident and visitor to Harbour Isle should put on their agenda: a walk across the street to the Smithsonian Marine Ecosystems Exhibit. Less than 100 yards from the community entrance within Museum Point Park is one of the “best little” museums in Florida.
or a $4 donation to the Smithsonian Marine Station you can view stunning Queen Angelfish, Rock Beauties, Wrasses and Chromis gliding over mushrooming heads of coral in one of several stunning aquariums. You’ll explore six distinct Florida habitats from inland mangrove estuaries to the offshore coral reef. You will learn about the 150 mile Indian River Lagoon that stretches from Ponce Inlet to Jupiter Inlet—and be able to wow your visitors with your knowledge of Harbour Isles surrounding waters!
Admission for seniors and grand kids is only $3!
For hours and information